The Critics Have Spoken!  Zorg is a hit!
"Writer V.Z. Montengo and director Guy Davis take 62 minutes to do what some filmmakers can’t do with 92 minutes--make a high-concept comedy that’s funny and engaging, not to mention original."
Sonic Cinema

"'Zorg and Andy' is one of the most innovative indie comedies I've seen in quite some time."
Rogue Cinema

"'Zorg and Andy' is a fantastic microbudget comedy, a perfect marriage of cheesy exploitation, silly science fiction, and brainy humor."
Bloody Good Horror
"'Zorg and Andy' is remarkably fun... a film reminiscent of the drive-in creature features of the 1950s: A little over the top, a little silly, and that time tested formula of idyllic Americana up against something truly arcane... With more than a few laughs, a lovable cast, and a brand new reason to fear your college economics professor, 'Zorg and Andy' gets my seal of approval."
Fatally Yours
"Run, don’t walk! to the internet to catch this light and fast b-movie surprise!"
366 Weird Movies
Buy “Zorg and Andy” right now!
(Zorg commands it.)