Map of Dungeon Level 9-A

9-3. Guard room. Six stone giants. In a sack with a bunch of old, gnawed bones are a scroll of one spell, a scroll of seven spells, and potions of Invulnerability and Levitation.

9-4. Several benches and chairs, sized for giants (as everything is on this level.) Tally marks carved on one of the tables.

9-5. Kitchen. Massive fireplace along east wall. A huge, lidded metal cauldron contains one black pudding.

9-6. Natural cavern. Leads up to crevasse on level 8. Two umber hulks prowling around. Sack with 600pp partially hidden under rocks.

9-7. Guard room. Three stone giants. Large chests containing 3,700gp, 5,600ep, 7,800sp, 8,800cp.

Map of Dungeon Level 9-B

9-8. Illusionary wall hides the stairs going down, making the room seem like a 10×20 empty chamber.

9-9. Lounge. Giant-sized tables, chairs, cushions, and fireplaces. Trays with empty tankards and plates with food scraps. Currently empty.

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Photo of a pastry in the shape of a face

Face Pie

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